Crafts Campus China 12-17 july, day 1

picking plant fibres for papermaking

picking plant fibres for papermaking

DIY Mould and Deckle for the papermaking

DIY Mould and Deckle for the papermaking

The Crafts Council Nederland organized the second Crafts Campus in Wilhelminaoord (Holland) during the 12th – 17th July 2017 for fashion and design students, professionals, folders and anyone who wants to develop their skills. In this short, intensive course received a lot of knowledge of Chinese traditional techniques and new applications like by the Miao and Dong people: paper making, folding, embroidery. Marieke de Hoop, Ien Rappoldt, Xiaoxian Huang and Joan Sallas were the teachers.

Day 1: making paper slurry from the Zaans Bord paper and the plants out of the woods.